about biosecu.re
about biosecu.re
safeguarding the bioeconomy - Biosecu.re works with the public, private and civil society sectors to help ensure we have resilient, safe and secure environments, frameworks and processes conducive to taking full advantage of biology as a manufacturing technology.
photocredit: Steve Jurvetson
Used under a Creative Commons License, see: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/383416585
send us a message if you need further contact details:
(at) biosec_re
info (at) biosecu.re
Kathryn Millett
Kathryn has been the Mine Action Coordinator for Norwegian People’s Aid and the International Campaign to Ban Landmines / Cluster Munition Coalition. She has edited the Mine Action Monitor, Cluster Munitions Monitor and the Bioweapons Monitor. She is a former Director of the BioWeapons Prevention Project, a former Cariplo Fellow at the Landau Center Centro Volta in Italy. Trained originally in science policy, Kathryn has over 15 years experience in civil society engagement in international policy processes.
Piers Millett
Piers is a Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC and a consultant for the World Health Organization. He has spent over a decade working for the Biological Weapons Convention, inside the United Nations. He Trained originally as a microbiologist, Piers is still a Chartered Biologist. He is a former Deputy Head of the BWC’s Implementation Support Unit, former Director of the International Federation of Biosafety Associations, a former board member of the Virtual Biosecurity Institute, and a founder member of the Safety Committee of the International Genetically Engineered Machines Competition.
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